HomeENGLISH ARTICLEWhat are the difference types of Access Specifiers supported by C++

What are the difference types of Access Specifiers supported by C++

Access specifiers play a crucial role in controlling the accessibility of class members in C++. They allow developers to define the level of access that other parts of the program have to specific variables and functions within a class. In this article, I will explain what is Access Specifiers in C++, its importance in controlling access to class members, what are the different types of access specifiers supported by C++, their purposes, examples of usage, main difference between public, private, and protected Access Specifiers and best practices for their implementation.

What is Access Specifiers in C++?

Access specifiers in C++ are keywords that determine the visibility and accessibility of class members. They are used to define the level of access that other parts of the program have to variables and functions within a class. The three main types of access specifiers in C++ are public, private, and protected.

Importance of access specifiers in controlling access to class members

Access specifiers are essential in ensuring data encapsulation, information hiding, and maintaining the integrity of classes in object-oriented programming. By specifying the appropriate access levels for class members, developers can control how these members are accessed and modified by other parts of the program. This helps in preventing unauthorized access and ensures proper usage of class members.

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What are the difference types of Access Specifiers supported by C++?

In C++, there are three main types of access specifiers:

  • Public Access Specifiers
  • Private Access Specifiers
  • Protected Access Specifiers

Each access specifier defines the level of access that other parts of the program have to the class members. Let’s explore each of these access specifiers in detail.

What is Public Access Specifier?

The public access specifier allows unrestricted access to class members. Any part of the program, including external code, can access and modify public members of a class. Public access specifiers are denoted by the keyword “public.”

Purpose of Public Access Specifier

The purpose of the public access specifier is to make class members accessible to all parts of the program. Public members can be accessed outside the class, facilitating communication and interaction with objects of the class.

Examples of public access specifier usage

We will explore examples where public access specifiers are used, including scenarios such as accessing public variables, calling public member functions, and creating objects of a class with public access specifiers.

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What is Private Access Specifier?

The private access specifier restricts access to class members to the class itself. Private members cannot be accessed or modified by any part of the program outside the class. Private access specifiers are denoted by the keyword “private.”

Purpose of Private Access Specifier

The purpose of the private access specifier is to enforce encapsulation and protect sensitive data within a class. Private members can only be accessed and modified by member functions of the class, ensuring data integrity and security.

Examples of private access specifier usage

We will explore examples demonstrating the usage of private access specifiers, including how private variables and member functions are accessed and modified within the class.

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What is Protected Access Specifier?

The protected access specifier allows access to class members by the class itself and its derived classes. Protected members can be accessed and modified within the class and its derived classes but not by external code. Protected access specifiers are denoted by the keyword “protected.”

Purpose of Protected Access Specifier

The purpose of the protected access specifier is to provide controlled access to class members for derived classes. Protected members enable inheritance and facilitate the implementation of class hierarchies.

Examples of Protected Access Specifier usage

We will discuss examples illustrating the usage of protected access specifiers, including scenarios where protected variables and member functions are accessed and modified within a derived class.

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Difference between public, private, and protected Access Specifiers?

Public access specifiers provide unrestricted access to class members, private access specifiers restrict access to the class itself, and protected access specifiers allow access within the class and its derived classes. You can get a better idea from the comparison given below:

Public Access Specifier Private Access Specifier Protected Access Specifier
Public members are accessible from anywhere in the program, both inside and outside the class. Private members are only visible within the class where they are declared. Protected members are visible within the class where they are declared and in derived classes.
Public members can be accessed and modified by any part of the program, including external code and derived classes. Private members cannot be accessed or modified by any part of the program outside the class. They are strictly limited to the class itself. Protected members can be accessed and modified within the class and its derived classes. They are not accessible by external code.
Public access specifiers are used to provide unrestricted access to class members. Private access specifiers enforce encapsulation and information hiding. Protected access specifiers enable controlled access to class members for derived classes.


Best Practices for Using Access Specifiers

To ensure well-designed and maintainable code, it is important to follow best practices when using access specifiers in C++. We will discuss practices such as encapsulation, information hiding, and designing robust class hierarchies. These practices contribute to code readability, reusability, and modifiability.


Access specifiers are vital components of C++ that allow developers to control the visibility and accessibility of class members. Public, private, and protected access specifiers serve different purposes and play a significant role in ensuring proper encapsulation, data integrity, and code organization. By understanding and implementing the appropriate access specifiers, developers can create robust and secure C++ programs.

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  1. What happens if I don’t specify an access specifier for a class member in C++?

    If you don’t specify an access specifier for a class member in C++, it defaults to private access. This means that the member can only be accessed and modified within the class itself.

  2. Can I change the access specifier of a class member in derived classes?

    No, you cannot directly change the access specifier of a class member in derived classes. The access specifier remains the same as defined in the base class. However, derived classes can still access and modify the inherited members according to their original access specifiers.

  3. Are access specifiers specific to C++ or applicable to other programming languages?

    Access specifiers, such as public, private, and protected, are specific to object-oriented programming languages like C++. While the concept of controlling access to class members exists in other languages, the specific keywords and syntax may differ.

  4. Can access specifiers be overridden in C++?

    No, access specifiers cannot be overridden in C++. They are part of the class definition and remain fixed throughout the inheritance hierarchy. Derived classes can only inherit and maintain the same or lower access levels for inherited members.

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