Home ENGLISH ARTICLE Difference between Constructor and Method

Difference between Constructor and Method

Difference between Constructor and Method

In object-oriented programming, Constructors and Methods are essential concepts that play a crucial role in defining the behavior and functionality of objects. Both Constructors and Methods are used to perform specific actions, but they serve different purposes in the context of object creation and manipulation. In this article you will get a quick overview about what are Constructors and Methods, their purposes, types, highlighting difference between Constructor and Method, also explained how they contribute to the overall functionality of an object-oriented program.

What is a Constructor?

A constructor is a special method within a class that is automatically invoked when an object of that class is created. Its primary purpose is to initialize the object’s state and set its initial values. Constructors have the same name as the class they belong to and do not have any return type, not even void. By default, if a class does not explicitly define a constructor, a default constructor (with no parameters) is provided automatically.

Purpose of Constructors

The purpose of constructors is to ensure that objects are properly initialized before they are used. They allow us to define specific steps or actions that should be taken when an object is created. Constructors are responsible for setting initial values to object variables, allocating memory, and performing any necessary setup tasks required for the object to function correctly.

Types of Constructors

There are several types of constructors available in most object-oriented programming languages:

  1. Default Constructor: This is a constructor that takes no arguments. If no constructor is explicitly defined in a class, a default constructor is automatically provided.
  2. Parameterized Constructor: A parameterized constructor accepts one or more parameters, allowing the initialization of object variables with specific values passed during object creation.
  3. Copy Constructor: A copy constructor creates a new object by copying the values of an existing object. It is used to create a new instance with the same values as another instance.
  4. Private Constructor: A private constructor is a constructor that can only be accessed from within the class itself. It is often used in singleton design patterns or utility classes where object creation needs to be restricted.

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Uses of Constructors

Constructors are used in various scenarios to ensure proper initialization of objects. Some common use cases include:

  • Initializing instance variables with default or specific values.
  • Allocating memory or acquiring resources needed by the object.
  • Executing initialization code or performing setup tasks.
  • Enforcing certain conditions or validations during object creation.

How constructors are used to initialize objects?

Constructors are invoked when an object is created using the new keyword followed by the class name and appropriate arguments if any. When an object is instantiated, memory is allocated to hold the object, and the constructor is called to initialize the object’s state. The constructor initializes the object’s variables and sets their initial values, ensuring that the object is ready for use.

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Overview of constructor syntax and naming conventions

The syntax of constructors varies slightly across different programming languages, but some common patterns can be observed. In general, a constructor has the same name as the class it belongs to, and it may or may not accept parameters. Here’s an example of a parameterized constructor in Java:

public class MyClass {
    private int value;
    // Parameterized constructor
    public MyClass(int value) {
        this.value = value;


In the above example, the constructor MyClass(int value) accepts an integer parameter and initializes the value variable of the object with the provided value.

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When constructors are invoked and their role in object creation?

Constructors are invoked automatically when an object is created. Whenever the ‘new’ keyword is used to instantiate a class, the constructor is called to initialize the object. Constructors play a vital role in object creation by ensuring that the object’s variables are properly initialized and that any necessary setup or initialization tasks are performed before the object is ready for use.

What is a Method?

In contrast to constructors, methods are regular functions defined within a class that perform specific actions or provide functionality to objects. Methods are associated with objects and are used to manipulate their state or perform operations related to the object’s behavior. They are invoked on instances of a class and can access and modify the object’s variables.

Purpose of Methods

The primary purpose of methods is to encapsulate behavior and functionality within objects. They allow objects to perform specific actions, process data, and interact with other objects or components of a program. Methods enable code reusability, modularity, and organization by grouping related operations together.

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Types of Methods

There are different types of methods that serve various purposes within an object-oriented program:

  1. Instance Methods: These methods are associated with individual instances or objects of a class. They operate on the state of the object and can access and modify its instance variables.
  2. Static Methods: Static methods belong to the class itself rather than any specific instance. They can be called directly on the class without creating an object. Static methods cannot access instance variables but can only work with static variables and other static members.
  3. Getter and Setter Methods: These methods are commonly used for accessing and modifying the values of private instance variables. Getter methods retrieve the value of a variable, while setter methods set or update the value of a variable.
  4. Constructors as Methods: Constructors can also be considered as a special type of method, responsible for initializing objects. However, they differ from regular methods in terms of their invocation and return type (constructors do not have a return type).

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How methods perform specific actions or provide functionality to objects?

Methods play a crucial role in object-oriented programming by enabling objects to perform specific actions or provide functionality. They encapsulate behavior and allow objects to interact with their internal state and other objects. Let’s explore how methods accomplish this:

  1. Accessing Object State: Methods have access to the object’s internal state, including its instance variables. This allows methods to read and modify the object’s data, providing a way to manipulate the object’s state and behavior. For example, a ‘getBalance()’ method in a bank account object can retrieve the current balance value.
  2. Encapsulating Logic: Methods encapsulate specific operations or logic that is relevant to the object’s behavior. They can perform calculations, execute algorithms, or implement complex logic. For instance, a ‘calculateTotal()’ method in a shopping cart object can sum up the prices of all items added to the cart.
  3. Modifying Object State: Methods can modify the state of an object by changing the values of its instance variables. This allows objects to respond to certain actions or events. For example, a ‘withdraw()’ method in a bank account object can deduct a specified amount from the account’s balance.
  4. Providing Functionality: Methods can provide functionality beyond basic state manipulation. They can perform actions that involve multiple steps, interact with external resources, or coordinate the behavior of multiple objects. For instance, a ‘sendEmail()’ method in an email client object can handle the process of composing, formatting, and sending an email.
  5. Code Reusability: Methods promote code reusability by encapsulating commonly used operations within objects. Once a method is defined, it can be called on any object of that class, providing consistent functionality across multiple instances. This simplifies code maintenance and reduces redundancy.
  6. Object Collaboration: Methods enable objects to collaborate and interact with each other. They can invoke methods of other objects, pass parameters, and exchange information, allowing for complex interactions and behavior in an object-oriented system. For example, in a game, a ‘collide()’ method in a player object can interact with the ‘takeDamage()’ method in an enemy object.

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Uses of Methods

Methods provide a way to encapsulate reusable code and functionality within objects. They are used to:

  • Perform specific operations or actions related to the object’s behavior.
  • Process data and perform computations using the object’s variables.
  • Interact with other objects and components of a program.
  • Implement algorithms, calculations, or complex logic.
  • Provide an interface to access and modify object variables.
  • Modularize code by breaking it into smaller, manageable functions.

Overview of Method syntax and naming conventions

The syntax and naming conventions of methods also vary across programming languages, but they generally follow a similar structure. Here’s an example of a simple instance method in Python:

class MyClass:
    def my_method(self):
        # Method body
        # Perform actions or provide functionality


In the above example, ‘my_method()’ is an instance method defined within the ‘MyClass class’. The method can be invoked on an instance of the class using dot notation (e.g., ‘my_instance.my_method()’).

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Method parameters, return types, and access modifiers

Methods can accept parameters, return values, and have access modifiers that determine their visibility and accessibility. Parameters allow methods to receive input values or data, which can be used within the method’s body. Return types specify the type of value that a method returns when it completes its execution.

Access modifiers control the accessibility of methods from other classes or objects. Common access modifiers include public, private, and protected, which determine the level of visibility and restrict direct access to methods. Public methods can be accessed by any class or object, private methods can only be accessed within the same class, and protected methods can be accessed within the same class or subclasses.

Difference between Constructor and Method

While constructors and methods share similarities, they serve distinct purposes within an object-oriented program:

Constructor Method
Constructors are responsible for initializing object variables and setting their initial values, ensuring that the object is in a valid state. Methods provide functionality and perform specific actions related to an object’s behavior.
Constructors are automatically invoked when an object is created using the ‘new’ keyword. They are called only during object instantiation. Methods are explicitly called on objects to perform specific operations or provide functionality.
Constructors do not have a return type, not even void. Their purpose is to initialize the object, not to return a value. Methods, on the other hand, may have return types that specify the type of value they return after execution.
Constructors have the same name as the class they belong to. While methods have unique names that describe their functionality or purpose.
Constructors can have access modifiers like public, private, or protected, which control their visibility and accessibility. Methods also have access modifiers that determine their accessibility from other classes or objects.
Constructors are primarily used for object initialization, ensuring that objects are properly set up before use. Methods are used for performing specific actions, processing data, and providing functionality to objects.


Constructors and methods are fundamental components of object-oriented programming, each serving a distinct purpose in defining the behavior and functionality of objects. Constructors are responsible for initializing objects and setting their initial values, while methods provide specific actions and functionality to objects. Understanding the differences between constructors and methods is crucial for developing well-designed and efficient object-oriented programs.


  1. Can a class have multiple constructors?

    Yes, a class can have multiple constructors, each with a different number or type of parameters. This is known as constructor overloading.

  2. Can constructors call other constructors?

    Yes, constructors can call other constructors within the same class using the concept of constructor chaining. This allows for code reuse and avoids duplicating initialization logic.

  3. Can methods be overloaded like constructors?

    Yes, methods can also be overloaded, allowing multiple methods with the same name but different parameters in a class. The appropriate method is determined based on the arguments used during method invocation.

  4. Can constructors be inherited?

    Constructors are not inherited in the traditional sense. However, when a subclass is created, it implicitly invokes the constructor of its superclass to initialize the inherited members before adding its own initialization logic.

  5. Can a method have the same name as a constructor?

    Yes, a method can have the same name as a constructor. This is known as a method with the same name as the class (or a class method). It allows for additional functionality to be added to the class beyond object initialization.



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