Home CS Subjects Operating System Everything You Need to Know About Processors

Everything You Need to Know About Processors

Processors also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is the brain of a computer. It is responsible for executing instructions and performing arithmetic and logical operations. There are many types of processors available today, each with its unique characteristics and uses.

In this article, I will explain you what is a processor, need of a processor, types of processors, components of processor and which assembly languages designed for which processors.

What is a processor ?

A processor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is a hardware component that serves as the “brain” of a computer or other electronic device. It is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, executing instructions, and handling data input/output. The processor works in conjunction with other hardware components, such as memory, storage, and input/output devices, to perform various tasks and run software applications. In short, the processor is the core component of a computer or electronic device that is responsible for processing information and carrying out instructions.

Why we need a processor in computer?

A processor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is the brain of a computer. We need a processor in a computer to perform arithmetic and logical operations, execute instructions, and handle data input/output. The processor is responsible for interpreting instructions from software and hardware components and performing the necessary operations to execute those instructions. Without a processor, a computer would not be able to perform any tasks or run any applications. Therefore, a processor is an essential component of a computer.

Is processor required for mobile devices?

Yes, a processor is required for mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets. Mobile devices rely on processors to perform arithmetic and logical operations, execute instructions, and handle data input/output, just like computers. In fact, mobile devices have become increasingly powerful over the years, and many of them now use processors that are comparable in performance to those used in desktop and laptop computers. The processor in a mobile device is responsible for running the operating system, executing applications, and handling user input. Therefore, a processor is an essential component of a mobile device.

How many types of processors are available?

Intel Processors: Intel is one of the most well-known brands when it comes to processors. They offer a wide range of processors, from low-end to high-end, for different applications. Some of the popular Intel processors are the Core i3, i5, i7 and i9 series, which are commonly used in desktops and laptops. These processors are designed for general computing tasks, such as browsing the internet, running office applications, and light gaming. The assembly language used to communicate with Intel processors is x86.

AMD Processors: AMD is another popular brand of processors, which offers processors that are comparable to Intel in terms of performance and price. Some of the popular AMD processors are the Ryzen and Athlon series, which are designed for general computing tasks and gaming. The assembly language used to communicate with AMD processors is also x86.

ARM Processors: ARM processors are widely used in mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets. They are known for their low power consumption and high efficiency, making them ideal for battery-powered devices. Some of the popular ARM processors are the Cortex-A and Cortex-M series. The assembly language used to communicate with ARM processors is ARM assembly language.

PowerPC Processors: PowerPC processors were developed by IBM and Motorola and were commonly used in Macintosh computers before Apple switched to Intel processors. They are still used in some embedded systems, such as gaming consoles and networking equipment. The assembly language used to communicate with PowerPC processors is PowerPC assembly language.

SPARC Processors: SPARC processors were developed by Sun Microsystems and were commonly used in their servers and workstations. They are known for their high performance and reliability. The assembly language used to communicate with SPARC processors is SPARC assembly language.

How many components are there in a processor ?

A processor is a complex electronic device that contains several components working together to perform various computational tasks. The components of a processor include the control unit, arithmetic logic unit, registers, cache memory, and clock. These components work together to execute instructions, perform arithmetic and logical operations, and manage data input/output within the computer.

Control Unit:

The control unit is responsible for controlling the flow of data within the processor and between the processor and other components of the computer. It performs the following functions:

  • Instruction Fetch: The control unit fetches instructions from memory and prepares them for execution.
  • Instruction Decode: The control unit decodes the instructions and determines the operation to be performed.
  • Instruction Execution: The control unit executes the instructions by sending signals to the arithmetic logic unit.
  • Program Control: The control unit manages the program flow and coordinates the execution of instructions.

Arithmetic Logic Unit:

The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations on data. It performs the following functions:

  • Arithmetic Operations: The ALU performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Logical Operations: The ALU performs logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT, which are used in boolean logic.
  • Shift Operations: The ALU performs shift operations, which are used to shift the bits of a number to the left or right.
  • Comparison Operations: The ALU performs comparison operations, which are used to compare two numbers and determine their relationship (e.g., greater than, less than, or equal to).


Registers are small, high-speed memory locations within the processor that store data temporarily during processing. They are used to hold the operands and results of arithmetic and logical operations. The three main types of registers are:

  • Program Counter: The program counter (PC) is a register that contains the memory address of the next instruction to be executed.
  • Instruction Register: The instruction register (IR) is a register that contains the current instruction being executed.
  • General-Purpose Registers: General-purpose registers (GPR) are registers that can be used to store any kind of data, such as numbers, addresses, or flags.

Cache Memory:

Cache memory is a type of high-speed memory that stores frequently used data and instructions. It is located within the processor and is used to reduce the time it takes to access data from main memory. Cache memory is divided into two levels: L1 and L2. L1 cache is the fastest and smallest cache memory and is usually located within the processor itself, while L2 cache is larger and slower and is usually located on the motherboard.


The clock is a component that synchronizes the operations of the processor. It generates a regular signal, called the clock signal, that is used to regulate the flow of data within the processor. The clock signal determines the rate at which the processor performs operations and is measured in hertz (Hz). The clock speed of a processor determines how many instructions it can execute per second and is a key factor in determining its overall performance.

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What is Assembly Language?

Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is used to communicate directly with a processor. It is a human-readable form of machine language, which consists of binary code that the processor can understand.

How many types of Assembly Languages are available?

Different processors require different assembly languages to communicate with them. Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is used to communicate directly with a processor. It is a human-readable form of machine language, which consists of binary code that the processor can understand. Different processors require different assembly languages to communicate with them.

Which assembly languages designed for which processors?

Different types of processors are used for different applications, depending on their performance, power consumption, and other factors. Here are some of the applications for the different types of processors:

Intel and AMD Processors: Intel and AMD processors are commonly used in desktops and laptops for general computing tasks, such as browsing the internet, running office applications, and light gaming. They are also used in gaming and workstation computers for more demanding applications, such as video editing, 3D modeling, and gaming.

ARM Processors: ARM processors are widely used in mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, due to their low power consumption and high efficiency. They are also used in embedded systems, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and IoT devices. ARM processors are also used in servers for web hosting and cloud computing.

PowerPC Processors: PowerPC processors are still used in some embedded systems, such as gaming consoles, networking equipment, and military applications. They are also used in some supercomputers for high-performance computing tasks, such as scientific simulations and data analysis.

SPARC Processors: SPARC processors are used in servers and workstations for high-performance computing tasks, such as scientific simulations, data analysis, and virtualization. They are also used in some embedded systems, such as routers and networking equipment.


There are many types of processors available today, each with its unique characteristics and uses. Intel and AMD processors are commonly used in desktops and laptops for general computing tasks, while ARM processors are widely used in mobile devices and embedded systems. PowerPC processors are still used in some embedded systems and supercomputers, and SPARC processors are used in servers and workstations for high-performance computing tasks. Assembly language is used to communicate directly with processors and different processors require different assembly languages. It is important to choose the right processor for your application to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

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FAQs on processor

  1. What is a processor?

    A processor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is the brain of a computer. It is responsible for executing instructions and performing arithmetic and logical operations.

  2. How many types of processors are available today?

    There are several types of processors available today, including Intel, AMD, ARM, PowerPC, and SPARC processors.

  3. What is the assembly language used to communicate with Intel and AMD processors?

    The assembly language used to communicate with Intel and AMD processors is x86.

  4. What is the assembly language used to communicate with ARM processors?

    The assembly language used to communicate with ARM processors is ARM assembly language.

  5. What are the applications of Intel and AMD processors?

    Intel and AMD processors are commonly used in desktops and laptops for general computing tasks, gaming, and workstation computers for more demanding applications.



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