HomeDifferenceDifference between C++ and Java

Difference between C++ and Java

The field of programming languages offers a wide array of options, each with its own strengths and purposes. Two popular languages that often come up in discussions are C++ and Java. Both languages have their own syntax, features, and applications. In this tutorial, I will give a comprehensive beginners friendly  guide where  explained syntax and structure of C++ and Java, list of reserved keywords used in C++ and Java programming, memory management, platform compatibility, characteristics, ecosystem, uses of C++ / Java and finally concluded with detailed discussion of what are the difference between C++ and Java Programming. By the end, you will have a better understanding of these languages and be able to make informed decisions when choosing between them.

Syntax and structure of C++

C++ is known for its rich syntax and flexible structure, which provide developers with a high level of control. It uses header files and preprocessor directives for including libraries and defining constants. C++ offers various data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and user-defined types. The syntax includes features like pointers, memory management, multiple inheritance, and operator overloading. These features allow developers to create efficient and complex programs with fine-grained control over system resources.

Keywords of C++

Keywords in C++ are a set of reserved words that hold special meanings defined by the compiler. These keywords are written in lowercase and serve specific purposes within a program. C++ has a total of 95 keywords, with around 30 keywords that are not present in the C language. It is important to note that keywords cannot be used as variable or function names since they are reserved for their designated functions within the language. Some commonly used C++ keywords are given below:

asm auto break case catch
char class const continue default
delete do double else enum
extern float for friend goto
if inline int long new
operator private protected public register
return short signed sizeof static
struct switch template this throw
true try typedef typeid union
unsigned virtual void volatile while

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C++’s support for OOP

C++ was designed with object-oriented programming (OOP) in mind. It provides support for classes, objects, and access specifiers, allowing developers to create reusable and modular code. Virtual functions and polymorphism enable runtime binding and dynamic dispatch, facilitating code extensibility. Templates in C++ enable generic programming, allowing algorithms and data structures to be written in a generic manner, independent of specific data types.

C++ memory management

One aspect where C++ differs significantly from Java is memory management. C++ requires manual memory allocation and deallocation using features like new and delete. While this level of control allows for efficient memory usage, it also introduces the risk of memory leaks and dangling pointers. To mitigate these issues, C++ offers smart pointers and the concept of RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), which ensures proper resource management and automatic deallocation.

C++ platform compatibility

C++ programs can be compiled and executed on different platforms, including Windows, macOS, and various Unix-like systems. However, C++ code can have dependencies on specific libraries and compilers, which can affect portability. Developers need to ensure that the necessary libraries and compilers are available on the target platform for successful execution.

Characteristics of C++

C++ is known for its performance and speed. It allows for efficient execution and provides direct hardware access when needed. Low-level optimizations and fine-grained control over system resources make it suitable for performance-critical applications. C++ also offers a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, supporting a wide range of domains, including systems programming, game development, and embedded systems.

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C++ ecosystem

The C++ ecosystem is vast and offers a wide range of libraries, frameworks, and tools that enhance the development process and enable developers to build robust applications across various domains. Here are some key aspects of the C++ ecosystem:

  1. Standard Template Library (STL): The STL is a fundamental part of the C++ ecosystem. It provides a collection of container classes, algorithms, and iterators, allowing developers to work with data structures efficiently. The STL includes containers such as vectors, lists, and maps, as well as algorithms for sorting, searching, and manipulating data.
  2. Boost C++ Libraries: Boost is a popular collection of peer-reviewed and portable C++ libraries that extend the functionality of the standard library. Boost offers a wide range of libraries, including those for multithreading, networking, file handling, regular expressions, and more. It is widely used by C++ developers to enhance productivity and address common programming challenges.
  3. GUI Development: C++ provides various libraries for graphical user interface (GUI) development. Popular options include Qt, wxWidgets, and FLTK, which provide cross-platform support and enable developers to create rich and interactive user interfaces for desktop applications.
  4. Game Development: C++ is a preferred language for game development due to its performance and low-level control. Game development libraries and frameworks like Unreal Engine, Unity, and SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) provide powerful tools and features for creating games with high graphics and performance requirements.
  5. System Programming: C++ is well-suited for system programming, where direct hardware access and efficient resource management are crucial. The C++ ecosystem offers libraries and frameworks for low-level system operations, such as threading, network programming, and file handling. Examples include the POCO C++ Libraries, ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment), and Boost.Asio.
  6. Numerical Computing: C++ provides libraries for numerical computing and scientific simulations. Libraries like Eigen, Armadillo, and GSL (GNU Scientific Library) offer efficient implementations of linear algebra, numerical analysis, and statistical functions. These libraries are widely used in fields such as engineering, physics, and data analysis.
  7. Embedded Systems: C++ is commonly used for developing embedded systems due to its control over hardware resources and memory efficiency. Embedded C++ frameworks like Arduino and mbed provide an abstraction layer for microcontroller programming and enable rapid development of embedded applications.

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Uses of C++

C++ finds applications in various industries and use cases. It is commonly used in developing high-performance software such as operating systems, game engines, and real-time systems. It is also a popular choice for implementing resource-constrained applications and low-level hardware interaction. One example of a C++ program is the popular game engine Unreal Engine, which powers many modern video games.

Example of C++ Programming

Q. Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter two numbers and displays their sum ?


#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int num1, num2, sum;

    // Input from the user
    std::cout << "Enter the first number: ";
    std::cin >> num1;

    std::cout << "Enter the second number: ";
    std::cin >> num2;

    // Calculate the sum
    sum = num1 + num2;

    // Display the sum
    std::cout << "The sum of " << num1 << " and " << num2 << " is: " << sum << std::endl;

    return 0;


In this program, we declare three integer variables: ‘num1’, ‘num2’, and ‘sum’. The user is prompted to enter the first number, which is stored in ‘num1’, and then asked to enter the second number, which is stored in ‘num2’. The sum of the two numbers is calculated and stored in the ‘sum’ variable. Finally, the program displays the sum using ‘std::cout’.

Syntax and structure of Java

Java, on the other hand, has a simpler syntax and a more structured approach compared to C++. It uses packages and import statements to organize and manage code. Java provides keywords for defining classes, methods, variables, and control structures. Similar to C++, it offers data types such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and user-defined types. However, it does not have certain features like pointers and multiple inheritance.

Keywords of Java

There are 51 reserved keywords currently defined in the Java programming language. These are given  below:

abstract assert boolean break byte
case catch char class continue
default do double else enum
exports extends final finally float
for if implements import instanceof
int interface long module native
new package private protected public
requires return short static strictfp
super switch synchronized this throw
transient try var void volatile

Java’s support for OOP

Java is often hailed as a pure object-oriented programming language. It supports the concepts of classes, objects, and access modifiers. Inheritance and polymorphism are achieved through the use of interfaces. Java also incorporates features like method overloading, which allows multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. It promotes code reusability, modularity, and encapsulation, making it easier to develop and maintain large-scale applications.

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Java memory management

One of the standout features of Java is its automatic memory management through garbage collection. Developers don’t have to worry about manually allocating and deallocating memory as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) handles memory management. Garbage collection identifies and collects unused objects, freeing up memory and preventing memory leaks. This feature greatly simplifies memory management and reduces the likelihood of crashes caused by memory-related issues.

Java platform independence

Java is known for its platform independence, which is achieved through the concept of “write once, run anywhere” (WORA). Java source code is compiled into bytecode, which can be executed on any system that has a Java Virtual Machine installed. This portability allows Java programs to run on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and more. It eliminates the need to recompile the code for different operating systems, making Java a popular choice for cross-platform development.

Characteristics of Java

Java offers a balance between performance and ease of use. It uses bytecode interpretation and just-in-time (JIT) compilation, which can impact initial startup time but allows for optimized execution over time. While Java may not provide the same level of performance as C++, it excels in areas such as productivity, scalability, and code maintainability. It is a versatile language suitable for a wide range of applications, from desktop software to web and enterprise development.

Java ecosystem

Java boasts a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that enhance productivity and accelerate application development. The Java Development Kit (JDK) provides a comprehensive set of libraries for common tasks such as input/output operations, networking, and database connectivity. Additionally, popular frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and JavaFX simplify the development of enterprise applications, persistence layers, and graphical user interfaces, respectively. The extensive Java ecosystem offers developers a wealth of resources to leverage and build robust and scalable applications.

Uses of Java

Java is widely used in various industries and application domains. Its platform independence and rich ecosystem make it an excellent choice for developing enterprise software solutions, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems, financial applications, and human resource management systems. Java is also the primary language for Android app development, enabling developers to create mobile applications for a massive user base. Furthermore, Java’s support for server-side programming makes it popular for building web applications, application servers, and cloud-based services.

Example of Java Programming

Q. Write a Java program asks the user to enter two numbers and displays the sum of the two numbers?


import java.util.Scanner;

public class SumOfNumbers {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num1, num2, sum;

        // Create a Scanner object for user input
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Prompt the user to enter the first number
        System.out.print("Enter the first number: ");
        num1 = scanner.nextInt();

        // Prompt the user to enter the second number
        System.out.print("Enter the second number: ");
        num2 = scanner.nextInt();

        // Calculate the sum
        sum = num1 + num2;

        // Display the sum
        System.out.println("The sum of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + sum);

        // Close the scanner


In this program, we declare three integer variables: ‘num1’, ‘num2’, and ‘sum’. We create a ‘Scanner’ object to read user input from the console. The user is prompted to enter the first number, which is stored in ‘num1’, and then asked to enter the second number, which is stored in ‘num2’. The sum of the two numbers is calculated and stored in the ‘sum’ variable. Finally, the program displays the sum using ‘System.out.println()’.

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Difference between C++  and Java

Now that we have explored the individual features of C++ and Java, let’s highlight the key differences between the two languages:

C++ Java
C++ has a more flexible syntax, allowing low-level control and features like pointers. Java, on the other hand, has a simpler and more structured syntax.
C++ requires manual memory management. Java employs automatic memory management through garbage collection.
C++ programs can be compiled and executed on different platforms but may have dependencies on specific libraries and compilers. Java offers platform independence, allowing code to run on any system with a Java Virtual Machine.
C++ is known for its performance and speed, making it suitable for performance-critical applications. Java offers a balance between performance and productivity, prioritizing ease of use and code maintainability.
C++ has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks for system programming, game development, and low-level operations. Java’s ecosystem is robust, covering a wide range of domains such as enterprise software development, Android app development, and web application development.


C++ and Java are two powerful programming languages with their own unique features, syntax, and use cases. C++ provides developers with fine-grained control, efficient execution, and a vast ecosystem suitable for system programming and performance-critical applications. On the other hand, Java offers platform independence, automatic memory management, and a rich ecosystem for enterprise software development and cross-platform applications.

When choosing between C++ and Java, consider the specific requirements of your project, the level of control needed, performance considerations, platform compatibility, and the availability of libraries and frameworks in the respective ecosystems. Both languages have their strengths and can be utilized to build robust and scalable applications.

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Which language, C++ or Java, is better for performance-critical applications?

C++ is generally considered better for performance-critical applications due to its efficiency, low-level control, and direct hardware access.

Can Java programs run on any operating system?

Yes, Java programs can run on any operating system that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed, making it platform-independent.

Is memory management easier in C++ or Java?

Memory management is easier in Java as it employs automatic memory management through garbage collection, reducing the risk of memory leaks and simplifying resource management.

Which language C++ or Java is more suitable for enterprise software development?

Java is widely used for enterprise software development due to its platform independence, strong ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, and support for server-side programming.

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